
If you're anything like me, you would rather not spend your hard earned money on something you aren't sure you are going to like or be able to use. These are things I use almost every day in my personal or business world that make my life easier, healthier and happier.  I hope you love them as much as I do!



More than superfoods, my new favorite smoothie add-ins deliver 34 scientifically selected, highly bioavailable and bioactive ingredients including marine and leafy greens and adaptogens. The help optimize alkalinity, energy, digestive health, optimize digestive health, antioxidant capacity, joint  & immune health and support a balanced microbiome.* Not to mention they are super yummy!

Weight Loss

For me to take supplements, they have to work and it has to be easy. This system checks off both boxes. The Lean Body System is an exclusive collection of scientifically designed products—Trim, Burn and Activate—to help you burn fat, lose inches and promote lean body composition. You'll want to takes pics instead of rely on the scale with this one. You build lean muscle while you lose fat. A win-win! 

must haves for biz

Ring Light

If you own a business of any kind, you know that live video is a crucial part of marketing. Good lighting is key and this small but mighty light gives you exactly what you need. It is portable and fits just about any phone. Oh, and did I mention is it under $30? Winning!