When we stop to savor the good stuff ( 🎶 celebrate good times) we buffer ourselves against the bad and build resilience.
Psychology Today
Birthdays, holidays, anniversaries – all things we typically celebrate. But why wait for the big days on the calendar to get our celebration on? Are we missing things that when celebrated could propel us forward? The answer for most people is… YES!
According to an article in Psychology Today, “when we stop to savor the good stuff, we buffer ourselves against the bad and build resilience—and even mini-celebrations can plump up the positive emotions which make it easier to manage the daily challenges that cause major stress.” That is another reason that starting your day with gratitude works to shape your mindset for the day.
However, celebrating things both big and small is sometimes easier said than done. So, here are a few tips to help you get in the habit…
Stop and “smell the roses”
Our lives are busy! And let’s face it, most of the time we are so wrapped up in the urgent that we don’t take time to stop and notice the little things that could and should be celebrated throughout our day. Did you move your body today? Did you check some things off your to-do list? Are you having a good hair day?
Getting yourself in the mode of slowing down long enough to take notice of even the small wins is a HUGE first step.
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Make it routine
Habits are powerful. Good and bad ones. When you are going through your morning and eventing routines, add in a time of celebration and gratitude.
Keeping your mind focused on the positive will help you to keep those types of things going and the more you do that, the more you will have to celebrate.
Celebrate Good Times – Pop a cork
Finding a way to commemorate both big and small wins is a great way to keep that positive mindset going in your life. Treat yourself to some chocolate. Say a prayer of thanksgiving. Call a friend to share the moment. Toast with someone special or all by your lonesome.
The how is a lot less important than the actual doing.

My business partners and I do a retreat every year. One of the practices we have started is to create celebration bottles for some of the milestones we set for ourselves for the year.
They don’t have to be big milestones and you can choose the celebration method (it certainly doesn’t have to be “bubbly”) but the exercise of choosing the celebration method in advance and then writing the milestone and attaching it to each one is very powerful.
The feeling of popping that cork and crossing that goal off with purposeful celebration is fantastic! (It also makes for some great curiosity marketing content if you market in the digital space.)
So, how will you celebrate your wins today? What can you add to your routine that will become a habit?
Stopping long enough to take stock of the good things around you in life can propel you to new heights. And I promise, no matter how dark things may seem sometimes, if you look hard enough – there is always something to celebrate.
If you would like to explore this subject more in an amazing setting with other powerful women – check out the
Goal Achieves Mastermind happening in January.
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