“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response.”
Viktor Frankl
Your alarm goes off in the morning and what’s the first thing you do? For many of us – that answer is the same. We grab our phone. And not just to turn off the alarm.
We are draw to those little red numbers!
The pull is almost unbearable… the signal that someone has been thinking of us.
You’re lying in bed, snuggled under the covers and you read and answer a couple texts. You check your email “just in case” there is something that just can’t wait.” You hop on social so you can see what has happened while you slept.
And before you know it, you look at the clock and you are now LATE! Not only late, but your mind is swimming because of the new list of things you need to do today. From then on, it seems you are reacting to everything coming your way in a “bob and weave” manner.
Sound familiar?
My friend, I am here to tell you there is a better way!
Living a proactive vs. reactive life will not only save you time, it may just save your sanity.
Reactive Mindset

When you live a reactive life, you let your circumstances dictate your response. From the example above, you are creating a reactive day by allowing your stimulus (social, texts, emails) control your mindset and posture before you even get out of bed. Reacting to the seemingly urgent instead of making space to be able to start with the important takes away your control of situations and can lead to a spiral it is hard to get out of.
Your circumstances are now in control!
Proactive Mindset

Having a proactive posture means taking responsibility and control for your situation and taking the initiative needed to make it better. Instead of letting their conditions and circumstances be the driving force of their decisions, proactive people allow their values to determine the choices they make.
Proactive people act rather than being acted upon.
So, what’s a girl to do?
Here are 3 things that can help you win you day…
- PUT DOWN THE PHONE! Spend the first hour of your day going through a well planned morning routine that includes meditation, gratitude and movement. It will set the stage for you to be able to better control what comes at you during the day in a proactive stance.
- Change your language. The way you talk to yourself can have a profound effect on how you deal with life. Using words like “can’t”, “won’t”, “if only”, etc. keeps your mind in a negative and very reactive space. Instead use words like “I choose”, “how can”, “I will”, etc. By modifying the way you speak to yourself and others – you can retrain your brain to come at situations from a proactive vs. reactive stance. It takes some work, but it can be done!
- Take action! No matter how small, take action. It is one of the most powerful things you can do to take a proactive posture. As you take action, you begin to show yourself and the world that you have influence over your situation. If not the outcome – at the very least the attitude.
RELATED: My favorite non-toxic products I use in my morning routine
If you are looking to take back control of your days, I suggest reading (or listening to ☺️) Stephen Covey’s book The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People. There are a ton of great things you can get out of this book to move you forward on the path to the life you desire.
I hope you found these tips on living a proactive vs. reactive life valuable. I’d love to hear your thoughts. Please feel free to leave a comment. I read every one.
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